Sen. M. Floyd
The Man Behind the Lens
We had the opportunity to talk with Sen M. Floyd.
A 24-year-old Brooklyn, New York native with a gifted eye behind the camera and cool demeanor.
Sen's full name is Senetchut Floyd. He cultivated and stamped his artist name as Sen M. Floyd as his brand rapidly developed and popularity grew. He's worked on the cover of albums and singles with artists like Marlon Craft, Skyzoo and Loaf Muzik.
Though he "wears a lot of hats," Sen expressed that he mainly identifies as a "Photographer, Director, and Cinematographer." We were excited to take the time and talk with such a young and successful player, in the culture we celebrate and create.
As an artist through your photography and videography, what inspires you?
"I am mostly inspired through music. I pull a lot of inspiration for my photographs through shopping at record shops. The artwork for Lp’s are insane! I also pull work from like fashion magazines or international urban magazines—Africa and Japan have pretty dope scenes so I like to search for inspo through there. For my video work, I pull my inspo from watching the greats—Bradford Young, Emmanual Lubezki, Roger Deakins, Robert Richardson, Christopher Doyle, just to name a few."
What is the message that you want to continuously reiterate through your work?
"To be honest I am not entirely sure—I know that as an African American artist from Marcy Brooklyn I carry more weight than others. The names that have made it out of my city/ neighborhood cast large shadows. But for me, I guess I would like for people to know that as black artists, we don’t have to push up to get a “seat at the table” we can plateau and work across with each other to make our own table—our own paths."
Did you receive a formal education within photography and videography? Or did you learn on your own?
"It’s a mixture. I can’t actually say that I learned by going to school. A lot of what I do know is purely self-taught, but I did have several amazing mentors—Albert Maysles to name one."
A lot of your work features artists and creatives. Has it always been a goal through your art or has it grown to that over time?
"That’s just by design. Not mine, purely chance—I’ll work with anyone, but it normally ends up being some artist of some sort!"
What is the thought process in deciding which artists to work with?
"They have to have a message! I could easily work with some of today's hottest artists—but then what narrative am I really telling? I like artists who have a story behind their work. Those are the types of people I gravitate too."
As a New York native, how has the city inspired you and influenced the people you decide to work with?
"NYC is extremely diverse. One minute you're in an Afro carribean neighborhood the next you’re in your in a Jewish neighborhood. There are so many colors and flavors in the streets in New York, So I always have the opportunity to meet and work with a large variety of people."
What can we look out for from you in the future?
"I am working on my first solo gallery this summer, and you can expect my first book."
Where can we find you on social media?
All platforms @sen.floyd!
Sen M. Floyd has just opened the official online store of his artwork. He is currently selling prints of his latest pieces for unbelievably reduced prices!
Look out for his latest projects on www.senmfloyd.com!
Click The Icon Below to shop prints!

March 24th, 2020
Amsara Holly
Written by Amsara Holly. Amsara Holly is the oldest of the Holly Girlz- including an actress, designer, entrepreneur, model, and dancer. She is an advocate for creativity and travel. She is a graduate of Full Sail University with a Bachelor's Degree in Entertainment Business and a Masters's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.